OUCH! My Heel Hurts, must be Plantar Fasciitis Acting Up…. | Strash Foot & Ankle Care
Typically, patients will come to the clinic complaining of pain in their heels usually starting with their first steps in the morning and continuing throughout the day. This is a common indicator of what is called Plantar Fasciitis - an inflammation of the ligament that runs from your heels to your toes. Plantar fasciitis much like most diagnosis that end in “itis” are caused by overuse and straining of the ligaments/muscles in the body. If you notice symptoms, it is wise to book an appointment with your podiatrist to help not only treat this issue but also ensure there is not something else entirely different going on.
Podiatry, podiatrist, foot, ankle, reconstructive surgery, Alamo Heights, Strash
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OUCH! My Heel Hurts, must be Plantar Fasciitis Acting Up….

Typically, patients will come to the clinic complaining of pain in their heels usually starting with their first steps in the morning and continuing throughout the day. This is a common indicator of what is called Plantar Fasciitis – an inflammation of the ligament that runs from your heels to your toes. Plantar fasciitis much like most diagnosis that end in “itis” are caused by overuse and straining of the ligaments/muscles in the body. If you notice symptoms, it is wise to book an appointment with your podiatrist to help not only treat this issue but also ensure there is not something else entirely different going on.

I recently had a patient come in complaining of symptoms usually attributed to plantar fasciitis however there was something different. The patient told me that his heel hurt but he was feeling a numbness as well in his heel. I went through various clinical tests and came to the conclusion the patient was suffering from Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. Tarsal Tunnel syndrome is a relatively rare condition caused by various etiologies which include biomechanical abnormalities, systemic diseases, and lower extremity edema.  Due to the rarity of this condition diagnosing this pathology is imperative. Another related area of pain is to the posterior tibial tendon. We’ve treated patients that think they have plantar fasciitis and as it turns out they have inflammation to this very large tendon on the inside of their foot. This is known as posterior tibial tendonits or Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD). Another less common but painful pathology is Deltoid ligament Strain. This type of strain can be caused by an acute traumatic episode or overuse and walking for many years with a flat pronated foot.

In fact, many pathologies are related to a pronated foot type and over use. There are numerous conservative treatment approaches to these pathologies and we pride ourselves on the success we have had treating our patients at the outset with non-surgical remedies. When and if conservative treatment fails the doctors at Strash Foot and Ankle Care are skilled at surgical treatments to reconstruct the foot and ankle to return the foot to a more normal functional status.

If you are suffering from this condition or are unsure schedule an appointment with Strash Foot and Ankle Care. We provide comprehensive examinations, diagnose, and make specific treatment plans to address the underlying causes of foot and ankle pain. Whether through conservative measures or surgical intervention, our expertise is invaluable in alleviating foot and ankle pain and ensuring a swift return to comfort and mobility.