When to See a Foot & Ankle Surgeon | Strash Foot & Ankle Care
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When to See a Foot & Ankle Surgeon

When to See a Foot & Ankle Surgeon

Your feet and ankles are miraculous. Think about all of physical activities they allow us to do – from simply standing and balancing, to walking, to running and even swimming – they literally hold us up and absorb the shock of each step we take.

That said, it’s imperative we take care of this complicated network of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons, and sometimes when an individual experiences a foot and/or ankle problem, it’s best to see a foot and ankle surgeon.

But, how do you know when you need to see one?

Often, it’s obvious – an injury, for example. But other times, it’s not as transparent. Below are several symptoms that indicate you may want to see a foot and ankle surgeon:

  • An injury (a sprain, broken bone, etc.)
  • A medical condition (diabetes, poor circulation, etc.) that can affect the feet
  • Impaired ability to function in certain activities
  • Heel pain in the morning
  • Any painful condition of the foot, ankle or lower leg
  • Discomfort after standing for awhile
  • Changes in the appearance of your foot or ankle
  • An abnormal growth


Is it normal to have pain in the foot or ankle?

No, pain or discomfort isn’t normal. It signals a problem that needs to be evaluated, diagnosed, and treated by a specialist who fully understands this part of the body.

If I go to a foot and ankle surgeon, does that mean my problem will be treated surgically?

No. In fact, foot and ankle surgeons are trained to make all reasonable efforts to treat foot and ankle problems non- surgically if at all possible. Surgery is recommended only if other options are not feasible or do not adequately relieve your problem.

Why would I need to see a foot and ankle surgeon?

The way your foot is structured, the way it works, and the way it affects other body areas (such as your back) add to its complexity. A foot and ankle surgeon has the in depth knowledge to diagnose and treat complex conditions, and ensures you are receiving the best care possible for your foot and ankle conditions.

If you are experiencing foot and ankle pain, give our office a call, today. Our number one priority is to place your best foot forward, again.