The Sunshine Vitamin & Foot Pain: How Vitamin D Deficiency Plays a Role | Strash Foot & Ankle Care
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The Sunshine Vitamin & Foot Pain: How Vitamin D Deficiency Plays a Role

The Sunshine Vitamin & Foot Pain: How Vitamin D Deficiency Plays a Role

You’re experiencing chronic foot pain. You’ve ditched your uncomfortable shoes, you’re more aware of the amount of time you spend on your feet, you have no foot or ankle injuries that you can recall and no conditions that could be the culprit, for example, arthritis, tendinitis or plantar fasciitis.

So, what gives?

Well, it could be you’re lacking a very essential vitamin – vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that protects your bones. A vitamin D deficiency can lead to a variety of different ailments, including osteoporosis, overall muscle pain, and an increased risk of falls that could lead to fractures. If you’re noticing pain in your foot and/or ankle, it could due to lack of vitamin D in your diet.

Vitamin D Benefits

Vitamin D is a naturally occurring vitamin in foods like tuna, salmon, milk, eggs and fortified cereals, however, most people do not receive the amount required to maintain healthy bones. That’s why many most people should consider taking a supplement.

Vitamin D supplementation has been shown to slow the bone loss process and reduce fractures, so it’s imperative to take at least the recommended daily amount of 400 IU, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, to promote healthy bones.

How Can Vitamin D Help With Chronic Foot Pain?

While there haven’t been many studies performed, a 2010 British Medical Journal study showed evidence supporting how vitamin D could be used to control chronic foot pain. The study showed vitamin D plays a role in reducing joint and tendon inflammation and swelling, thereby reducing pain. This is promising and I hope to see more complete studies that correlate with these findings.

On the other hand (or foot), it’s important to consult with your doctor before taking on a vitamin D regimen. Taking too much vitamin D could cause calcium buildup, which could lead to ugly complications like kidney stones – and nobody wants that. So, while I advocate adding vitamin D to any diet, you should talk to a doctor or nutritionist beforehand.

What Do I Do, Now?

If your feet and ankles hurt on a consistent basis, schedule an appointment with your podiatrist. At Strash Foot & Ankle Care, I always go the conservative route, first, and am able to do a simple lab test to check your vitamin D level – from there, we can create a treatment plan right for you.

Bottom line, in this day and age, it’s not necessary to live in pain, especially in your feet and ankles. If you’re experiencing chronic pain that’s precluding you from partaking in your daily activities, give us a call, today – we are committed to helping you put your best foot forward, again.